UseExplicitLambdaParams = 0 # Use explicit lambda scaling parameters (0:disabled, 1:enable lambda weight, 2: use explicit lambda value)
FixedLambdaISlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for I slices
FixedLambdaPSlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for P slices
FixedLambdaBSlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for B slices
FixedLambdaRefBSlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for Referenced B slices
FixedLambdaSPSlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for SP slices
FixedLambdaSISlice = 0.1 # Fixed Lambda value for SI slices
LambdaWeightISlice = 0.65 # scaling param for I slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightISlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LambdaWeightPSlice = 0.68 # scaling param for P slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightPSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LambdaWeightBSlice = 0.68 # scaling param for B slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightBSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LambdaWeightRefBSlice = 0.68 # scaling param for Referenced B slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightRefBSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LambdaWeightSPSlice = 0.68 # scaling param for SP slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightSPSlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LambdaWeightSISlice = 0.65 # scaling param for SI slices. This will be used as a multiplier i.e. lambda=LambdaWeightSISlice * 2^((QP-12)/3)
LossRateA = 5 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the first partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
LossRateB = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the second partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
LossRateC = 0 # expected packet loss rate of the channel for the third partition, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
NumberOfDecoders = 30 # Numbers of decoders used to simulate the channel, only valid if RDOptimization = 3
RestrictRefFrames = 0 # Doesnt allow reference to areas that have been intra updated in a later frame.